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August 3, 2024

Deep Dive: Y Combinator's Content Marketing Strategy

When it comes to content marketing, few organizations do it better than Y Combinator (YC), the world's leading startup accelerator. With an impressive 4m+ subscribers across their brand accounts (Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Linkedin, TikTok, etc), not including 1.5m monthly visitors to their owned media property Hacker News or individual Partner social accounts, YC has mastered the art of content creation and distribution.

In this post, we'll explore three key lessons from YC's content strategy that any startup can apply to boost their own marketing efforts.

Assembly is a powerful end-to-end platform to draft, plan, and schedule social media content. We help companies like Mercury, Runway, Modern Animal, Beehiiv, and more using Assembly to manage their social content like magic.

First, What is Y Combinator?

Before diving into the lessons, let's quickly introduce YC. As the number one startup accelerator globally, YC has funded companies like Stripe, Dropbox, Airbnb, and Twitch. They specialize in supporting founders at the earliest stages of their startup journey.

Image via Y Combinator’s Linkedin

Lesson 1: Always Be Experimenting with Content

YC's YouTube channel, boasting nearly 1.5 million subscribers, showcases a diverse range of content types:

- Office Hours playlists featuring partners discussing various topics

- The Cohn podcast, focusing on techno-optimism

- Startup School content for new founders

This variety is no accident. YC understands that content can become stale, and audiences crave new and interesting material. By continuously experimenting with different formats and topics, they keep their audience engaged and attract new followers.

Takeaway for startups: Don't be afraid to try new content formats. Experiment with videos, podcasts, blog posts, and social media content to find what resonates best with your audience.

Screenshot from Y Combinator’s Youtube Channel

Lesson 2: Involve Your Entire Team

YC leverages the expertise and experiences of its partners, many of whom are ex-founders and YC alumni themselves. This approach builds trust with their audience by providing insights from people who have "been there, done that."

Their content features various partners sharing advice across different sectors, including:

- Biotech

- Deep tech

- Consumer products

- Social media

and way more! This diversity in voices and backgrounds helps YC resonate with a wide range of founders and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Takeaway for startups: Encourage team members from different departments to contribute to your content. Their unique perspectives can add depth and credibility to your marketing efforts.

Lesson 3: Master Content Distribution

YC excels at distributing their content across multiple channels:

- YouTube

- Twitter

- Instagram

- TikTok

- LinkedIn

They repurpose and reshape content for each platform, ensuring maximum reach and engagement. For example, they share clips from YouTube videos on TikTok and Instagram, while using Twitter and LinkedIn to promote fundraising announcements, blog posts, and press releases.

In the example below, YC creates longform content on YouTube and makes a shorter, punchier, cut of the video for Instagram.

This is where tools like Assembly come into play. Assembly, a company obsessed with helping businesses distribute their content effectively, recognizes the importance of YC's distribution strategy. By leveraging platforms like Assembly, startups can streamline their content distribution process and ensure their message reaches the right audience across various channels.

Takeaway for startups: Don't limit yourself to a single platform. Identify where your target audience spends time online and adapt your content for those channels. Consider using tools like Assembly to optimize your distribution strategy. Remember, effective distribution is just as important as creating great content.


Y Combinator's approach to content marketing offers valuable lessons for startups of all sizes. By continuously experimenting, involving your entire team, and mastering distribution across multiple channels, you can create a content strategy that engages your audience and drives growth for your business.

Remember, great content marketing is an ongoing process. Keep refining your approach, listen to your audience, and don't be afraid to try new things. With persistence, creativity, and the right tools like Assembly, you can build a content marketing strategy that rivals even the best in the business.

Assembly (https://meetassembly.com/) makes building your content engine seamless - we help you schedule, post, and analyze your social media content. Follow us here at Assembly for more breakdowns.